Current Issues in Education
Current Issues in Education covers research and teaching from the perspective of the profession. It is written by scholars in various fields of education such as educational psychology, social sciences, education, and sociology. It also features original articles written by faculty members and associate editors. Issues in Education covers both recent and perennial debates in education.
Current Issues in Education consists of peer-reviewed, scholarly articles that address current educational issues affecting teachers, schools, classrooms, organizations, districts, parents, and students. It presents both new and long-standing research, case studies, and important interventions in education. It has been published by journals and peer-reviewed publications for more than twenty years. It has won several distinctions, including Best Educational Book and Editor’s Choice, Science News, Teacher’s Guide, Journal of Research in Education, and Superintendents’ Education. Issues in Education has been displayed in the New England School Report, Western Journal of Education, Superintendents’ Education, National Council on Teacher Education, and Education Record.
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Current issues in education are related to the practice at every level of schooling. Issues in Education has presented issues concerning school choice, the curriculum, school finance and teacher certification. There are also issues about discipline problems, ineffective teaching methods, and ineffective practices in classroom management. Issues in Education has presented research concerning the effectiveness of individualized education programs and the necessity of thorough evaluation before any program is implemented. There have also been issues about the impact of No Child Left Behind policies in schools and the quality of classrooms around the country.
Current Issues in Education
Some of the most recent current issues in education include the recent trend of No Child Left Behind policies in K-12 schools. In North Carolina, the state board of education has established an official high school program that compares students in all three grade levels against the state average. According to the press release, “While testing has shown positive results for many students, some students are still experiencing difficulty in grasping new concepts.” The reason for the testing was to determine if the new, high-stakes standardized testing would be effective in closing the achievement gap between students from low-income families and those from higher-income families. The report did not present enough data on whether the new policy of No Child Left Behind would really improve test scores or whether it was a step backward.
A study by the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom found that there is a difference in performance between students who are adequately tested and those who are not, and there is a difference between students who are adequately tested and those who are not. Furthermore, the ESM study found that while the number of teachers trained to teach reading and language skills has increased, the standardized testing program is counterproductive.
Future of Education in the USA
In September, the United States Department of Education released a report on the future of public schools. The report highlighted a number of concerns, such as a lack of curriculum flexibility, increased teacher bureaucracy, and a need for constant testing. One of the biggest problems cited by critics is the idea that testing is the single most important factor in determining a child’s success. It noted that it is “inconceivable” for one-third of American children to pass the nation’s standardized tests. According to the report, half of the graduates from Ivy League universities are unable to pass these tests.
The current debate over the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, also known as the CCSS, has been heated between teachers, educators, and parents. Proponents argue that the CCSS, developed by a group of education experts, offers a better structure for teaching mathematics and for students to learn math through activities. Opponents argue that the Common Core Standards will not benefit students in the way they were meant to learn. According to critics, the CCSS will force students to use unproductive practices, such as filling out information on the internet rather than completing a problem correctly. The standards also have some negative effects on the teaching of English at home.
The last elementary teaching interview I conducted focused on the topic of curriculum flexibility and the role that the CCSS plays in the classroom. In response to a specific question around the Common Core Standards for Mathematics, one educator indicated that he believed that there should be a minimal amount of flexibility within the CCSS. Another educator responded that flexibility was necessary because “there will always be situations where things aren’t quite right.” She went on to say that although she supported the flexibility aspect of the CCSS, she thought that the CCSS needed to be strengthened.