Early Childhood Education
The United States Department of Education defines early childhood education as teaching critical aspects of childhood development to young children. Research indicates that giving quality education to children before they go five years old yields major long and short-term benefits for kids. Kids in early childhood education systems are: more likely to stay on grade level after entering school, and less likely to be labeled as having special needs or having behavior problems. Furthermore, kids in early childhood education systems are less likely to become pregnant and/or experience teen pregnancy.
Advantages of Early Childhood Education
In order to benefit from the advantages that come from early childhood education, kids need to enter these years with a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Kids learn by engaging with their environment and learning objects and topics that interest them. They are not spoon-fed at the beginning of their academic years. On the contrary, they are made to get involved and take an active role in the development of their brains. Kids in the early years of their lives have a much greater chance to develop appropriately and to learn new skills, which prepare them to take on the world when they enter secondary school and beyond.
Teaching kids about birthdays, weddings, birthdays and other celebrations add an intrinsic understanding of cultures to the early years of a child’s life. By teaching him about these everyday events through the eyes of an infant, kids gain a deeper awareness of the general concepts that many people take for granted. Teaching a baby about flowers and birthdays doesn’t mean teaching him about math. It’s the recognition of an infant’s immediate connection to the environment around him, that provides him with the basic tools to grasp concepts that he sees and feels around him every day, in the same way that an infant sees and understands faces and bodies of people, and can respond to these faces and bodies with understanding, gratitude, and enthusiasm.
In most families, the young children do most of the early childhood education. However, it is not uncommon for families to find themselves needing the support of a teacher-infant coordinator to help fill in the gaps during this crucial time. The early childhood education coordinator is not just a young child learning from his parents. She is an experienced professional with expertise in early childhood education, child development, and family development. This multi-faceted individual serves as a guide, teacher, counselor, and motivator to families while providing the essential support needed to ensure that young children learn from their families.
The early childhood education curriculum is designed around the child’s interests. This allows him to learn and grow without worrying about what happens in class or at home. Most children who attend preschool or nursery schools do so because their parents believe that they need extra support and instruction, and that attending preschool will help them achieve success later in life. Educators understand that a preschool program is designed to help children develop cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. Some of these include problem solving, impulse control, self directed learning, and independent thinking.
Researches on Early Childhood Education
A lot of research has been done on the positive effects of early childhood education on the whole health of the child. There is now evidence that indicates that kids who attend preschool have higher test scores, they perform better in Math and Science tests, and that their IQ’s are greater than those who do not attend such programs. There is also some evidence that indicates that these same children fare better in later school years. By the end of grade school, they show greater achievement and are more successful in completing coursework on their own. The United States Department of Education has recognized the critical importance of early childhood education systems in the United States.
These programs are usually referred to as Preschool Programs. They help children develop cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills while they learn at a young age. There are a lot of exciting activities that you can choose for your child to participate in a preschool program. Activities can include reading, writing, drawing, playing games, and so much more. By the time your child turns four or five, she should already have started to develop many of the skills that will help her in school and prepare her for higher levels of education.
Importance of Early Childhood Education
One of the most important benefits of early childhood education is that it helps to prepare kids for higher levels of education in the future. It is especially important for low-income families, since public schools often do not offer services that are fully affordable for low-income families. Low-income families are especially vulnerable when it comes to funding the cost of children’s educational needs; consequently, it is especially important for low-income families to seek out options for early childhood development that include preschool. It is also particularly important for low-income families to seek out options for early childhood education that incorporate arts and crafts.