Education for all Handicapped Children Act

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act 94 CRC was enacted by the United States Congress on May 25, 1975. This Act required that all publicly funded non-profit schools accept federal funding and give one free meal per day to blind and physically disabled children. It also required that any school that did not comply with these requirements lose Federal funding. The Act is important for those children who suffer from disabilities to have equal access to education.

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was signed by President Ford on August 6, 1975. The Act is a joint effort by United States President Ford and the United States Congress. President Ford wanted to ensure that all American citizens had equal opportunity in education. As he saw it, education for all handicapped children was crucial to improving the quality of life for all Americans. The Ford administration’s main aim was to ensure the right to education for all children from any background, any ethnicity or any gender.

The primary objective of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act is to protect the rights of disabled students as well as ensuring their right to receive an education. There are some special provisions in the Act which provide funds for individuals and institutions serving the poor. The Act also encourages private organizations and society to provide support to needy students. For handicapped students, this program offers financial aid for books, writing materials, computers, music, dance, video, and other related types of equipment. Grants are granted for the purchase of reading materials, specially designed computer software and other technological accessories.

Aims of Education for Handicapped Children act

The aim of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was to bring in educational opportunities and empowerment for the economically and mentally retarded community. At that time, there were no schools that offered specialized education for such children. The National Technical Education Service (NETS) was responsible for this. In order to encourage individuals with disabilities to return to school, the Public Law for the purpose was established in January 1975.

The purpose of the Public Law for the purpose of establishing education for all handicapped children act is to provide a suitable education for such people. According to the Act, funds are provided for setting up institutions offering suitable education for such disabled persons. It is required to set up such institutions by January 1, 1976, to be eligible for receiving benefits from the Act.

The objectives and features of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act are many. First, it is necessary to provide an appropriate education for those handicapped who are deprived of their normal social and educational rights. Second, it is necessary to create an individualized education program for such disabled. Third, the individualized education program should provide a wide variety of academic and other learning opportunities.

How PHA Improve Education

The PHA has been able to help develop and improve the conditions of those who are suffering from disabilities like mental retardation and cerebral palsy. The Special Educational Opportunity Programs or SERPs, are designed to give special attention to the needs of these handicapped children. The programs are designed in coordination with the Special Education Programs of the state government and the Department of Social Services. According to the Special Educational Opportunity Programs (SEOP) Act, a list of qualified persons is provided by the state departments to be involved in the running of these programs. The Special Educational Opportunity Programs also includes disabled children, adult learners, mentally retarded adults, pregnant mothers and their children, orphans, those confined to the aged and mentally retarded, and those in special education classes.

Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAAHCA) also known as Special Education Law gives legal protection to children and persons with disabilities to access education programs and receive special education services. It is important to note that under the Special Educational Opportunity Programs (SEOP) Act, a child or a severely handicapped adult having disabilities need not undergo Special Education Lawsuit for refusing admission into the school. Under the Special Education Law, the parents need not consent for their child to undergo any special education program. The parents need to sign a consent form indicating their willingness for the procedure of Special Education Lawsuit.

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